Success Stories


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General Search tips
Category tips
Job Location tips
Salary or Wages tips
Include jobs that do not state salary tips
Keyword Search tips
Search and Search Results tips

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General Search Tips:
Complete as many fields as you wish.
It is not necessary to fill in every field.
The Category field is the only required field.
The more specific data you enter, the closer the jobs will match your requirements.
Enter multiple selections by holding down the Ctrl key (Cmd on Mac) while you
click each option.

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1. Category: (required field)
  Select the categories which best describe the job functions you are seeking. You may choose up to a total of 6 options.
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2. Job Location:
  Region / State / Province
Select a general region for a wide search.
Select up to 6 states or provinces for a more focused search.
All jobs within the selected region, states or provinces will be considered.
You may also search within a specific ‘City’. This is optional.
(Note: This will restrict your search to jobs listed for that specific city).
For jobs outside of the USA and Canada, please specify the country.

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3. Salary or Wages:
  - Click the salary button to search for jobs by yearly salary.
- Click the wage button to search for jobs by hourly wage.
- Enter your minimum and maximum salary or wage requirements in the
appropriate boxes.
Example entry for salary requirement:
Minimum: $Maximum: $
Example entry for wage requirement:
Minimum: $Maximum: $
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4. Include jobs that do not state salary:
  Some companies do not disclose salaries. Accordingly, we recommend against limiting your search to those with salary only. If you want to restrict the jobs to only those that show your desired salary range, click No.
J I L will include these jobs that meet your other search criteria.
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5. Keyword Search:
  The Keyword section is not essential. In most instances, the job category will provide adequate information for J I L to search your job requirements. However, to focus the search on more specific criteria, which may be contained within a job posting, such as ‘Excel’, ‘Vice President’ or ‘radio-frequency’, you may enter keywords in this field. J I L will scan the posted job descriptions to look for these words. Note: Keywords are not case sensitive.

J I L supports both majorly used keyword search formats. You may use whichever you feel more comfortable with to more closely target the search:

Boolean logic
  and By naming ‘and’ between 2 or more functions, the job must state all functions listed, e.g. warehousing and transportation, requires the position to include both warehousing and transportation functions.
  or By naming ‘or’ between 2 or more functions, the job can state any one of these functions, e.g. warehousing or transportation requires the position to involve either warehousing or transportation or both.
  not By naming ‘not’ between 2 or more functions, the job must include the first function and must not include the second, e.g., warehousing not transportation requires the position to include warehousing, but will not select any jobs that include transportation.
  Importance logic
    By naming one or more functions separated by spaces, the job must state all of these functions, e.g., warehousing transportation distribution will list all jobs containing all three of the functions entered.
  + By preceding a function with a '+', the job must state the function in order to be listed, e.g., +warehousing +transportation will list all jobs containing both functions entered.
  - By preceding a function with a '-', the job must not state the function in order to be listed, e.g., +warehousing -transportation will list all jobs stating warehousing as long as they do not state transportation.
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6. Search:
  Click on the SEARCH button to obtain the search results. You may clear the form by clicking the "Reset Form" button.

7. Search Results:
  The Search Results show all jobs in the current database that meet your selected requirements. These are sorted in order of Date Posted (LIFO)
The search results page shows the number of jobs that match your criteria and the number of pages. If you have more than 25 jobs, you can retrieve the next batch by clicking the NEXT PAGE button. You can click individual 'positions' to obtain full job details. You can then return to your Search Results by clicking the back button on your browser.
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